Follow Up From Client Who Reversed Her “Almost” Gestational Diabetes

Note: This is a follow up blog about a client who was diagnosed with borderline gestational diabetes and wanted to do everything she could to reverse it. To read that article, click here.

A client recently updated me on the state of her gestational diabetes. She’d been in a bit of a rough spot, having failed her one-hour glucose test and dreading the results of her three-hour test. Fortunately, however, with the right naturopathic and nutritional counseling, she was able to pass 3 out of the 4 markers on her test, a passing score.

Many people wonder what to expect from the kind of test typically administered to women with suspected cases of gestational diabetes. The test you would receive is called a glucose tolerance test. 

Here’s what to expect:

  • You’ll have to fast 8 hours prior to the test so that your fasting blood sugar can be recorded. Most people will schedule the test in the early morning so that their fasting period takes place overnight.  
  • The main test involves drinking 8 oz. of a glucose drink containing 100 grams of sugar. After this, your glucose levels are tested three times, at the end of each hour during a three-hour period. 

This is how my client passed her test with flying colors. Diet!

gestational diabetes recipes

By making healthy changes to her diet, my client was able to keep her glucose levels under control. Here is a delicious sample dinner my client made from a recipe I gave her. She modified it with turkey instead of chicken.

Fresh Turkey Breast
Roasted red pepper (you can roast your own or buy these pre-roasted)
Feta cheese
Low-sodium balsamic vinaigrette
Olive oil cooking spray


  1. In a bowl, mix in the fresh turkey with balsamic vinaigrette.
  2. Begin grilling turkey and red peppers 
  3. Coat frying pan with cooking spray and sauté spinach
  4. When turkey is sufficiently browned, layer with red peppers and spinach. Crumble feta cheese on top and serve.

With the right nutritional counseling, diabetes and complications resulting for diabetes can successfully be kept at bay. For additional information about what you can do to get a hold on your diabetes, be sure to check out my website