Gestational Diabetes, Gluten Free, A Messed Up Pancake & A Picky Eater !!! What Foods We Came Up With.

Gestational diabetes happens during pregnancy and just like other forms of diabetes, it affects how your body’s cells use blood sugar. It causes high blood sugar which can affect the health of your baby.

A friend was very upset about her borderline gestational diabetes. She is in her normal weight and upon doing a diet analysis we discovered her gluten free diet was a big problem.

Many gluten free products use tapioca, rice and cassava. Which are all grains that raise your blood sugar (high glycemix) very high. Her diet was made up of many of these products. Mainly waffles and pancakes.

Being a picky eater and with a little shopping at Whole Foods, these are just a few of the items in the picture we came up with.

-Bob’s Red Mill Paleo Baking Powder – Lower carb and made from almond flour, coconut and arrowhead flours. No foods that will raise the blood sugar very high. Arrowhead which is a grain higher in carbs is only a small amount. So, overall the package doesn’t have a lot of carbohydrates that raise the blood sugar. 

That thing that resembles a pancake is us following the recipe … lol. Dilute with more water and the rest came out nice and circular.
– We replaced her corn chips with parmesan crisps. A low carb low blood sugar raising food and she has no issues with dairy. It has a very strong taste, but not bad overall.

-Peanut butter. Can you go wrong with peanut butter that has no sugar and no salt added. Just good old fashioned one ingredient low glycemic (doesn’t raise the blood sugar high) peanut butter.

I will let you know what her next blood test says …

To learn more about how to better manage your diabetes symptoms, visit my website.