This Soothing Smoothie Will Be Your Go-To This Flu Season

Sore Throat and Cough Smoothie

These ingredients are known to soothe throats and coughs. Honey lubricates the throat and ginger is anti-microbial. Vitamin C helps the immune system to fight your cold.

natural cold remedy drink

This smoothie is packed with healthy ingredients meant to combat colds.

1/3 fresh brewed green tea, cooled
1 tsp fresh orange zest
1/3 tsp fresh lemon zest
1/3 cup navel orange, peeled and diced
½ lemon peeled and seeded
½ tsp fresh ginger root, chopped
1T dried egg white powder
3 tsp honey

Place all ingredients into blender and mix until smooth.

Nutrition Information:
Calories 115
Fiber 2 g
Fat 0 g
Protein 6 g
Calcium 45mg
Sodium 90 mg
Phosphorus 30 mg
Potassium 250 mg