Gut Bacteria Could Play A Vital Role In Weight Loss According To New Study

A new study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings has shed some light on a potential link between gut bacteria and the difficulty some people face in trying to lose weight despite stringent diets and exercise programs. The gastroenterologist who co-authored the study sought to shed light on the reason behind why weight loss is such a challenge for some people despite persistent efforts, reductions in caloric intake and increasing physical activity levels.

Upon analyzing gut bacteria samples from 26 different participants enrolled in the Mayo Clinic’s Obesity Treatment Research Program, the researchers noticed a marked difference in gut bacteria levels between those who lost weight and those who did not. So what exactly are gut bacteria and what purpose do they serve?

When we say “gut bacteria” or as it’s also know, “gut flora,” or “gut microbiota,” we’re referring to the microorganisms that live in digestive tracts and are responsible for a wide variety of functions, such as:

  • Breaking down complex food particles
  • Providing energy
  • Promoting good digestion
  • Synthesizing Vitamins B and K
  • Supporting the immune system

It was the energy providing properties of the gut bacteria that researchers hypothesized might be contributing to more difficulty in losing weight. Additionally, the researchers noticed the presence of distinct bacteria seemed to indicate the success rate they would have when attempting weight loss.  Phascolarctobacterium was the bacteria present in those who had an easier time losing weight, while a bacteria called Dialister was present in those who experienced significant difficulty in doing so.

Although more studies need to be carried out to reach any firm conclusions, it’s always a good idea to ensure a potent, high-quality probiotic/prebiotic combo has a place in your supplement cabinet.

And, here are some great foods and beverages with probiotics that you should be sure to add to your diet.

  • Sauerkraut
  • Kimchi
  • Kombucha
  • Tempeh
  • Yogurt
  • Miso

For more information about natural solutions for weight loss please be sure to check out my site.