Home Remedies for Acne

Acne is a horrible thing which, once you get, you should try to heal it as soon as possible. There are many chemical solutions that can be used to heal acne. Walk into any pharmaceutical store today and when you ask for medication for acne, you may be given a list of no less than 5 medicines which you can use to treat acne. However, why should you spend your money on acne medication when you can make your own acne medication? This article is going to give you tips on how to treat acne naturally.

The first and perhaps easiest way of treating acne is by using lemon juice. All you have to do in this method is to cut up small pieces of lemon juice and rub them against the parts of your body that are affected by acne. Leave this to stay on for about half an hour or one hour before you can rinse it off with water. You have the option of letting it stay on for the whole day without removing it. However, this is going to make your skin sticky. Do this process at least twice a day and in a matter of weeks, if not days, your acne will go away. The science behind this is the fact that lemon juice contains citric acid. It is this citric acid which dries out the pimple. On top of this, it is also an antibacterial.

The other easy cure of acne is water. This is effective when you drink about eight glasses of water per day. That’s all you have to do. Now this may sound like a placebo effect but there is actually a lot of scientific logic behind the working of this method in treating acne. The main reason here is the fact that water, as a hydrating agent, helps to flush out all toxins from the body. Therefore, all the toxins that have accumulated into the formation of the acne are going to be flushed out of the body when you drink lots of water.

Carrot juice has also been found to be very effective in curing acne. What you have to do in this case is to slice up pieces of carrot and enjoy the sweet taste that is the juice. The working behind this natural treatment of acne is the fact that carrot juice contains a lot of beta-carotene. This helps a lot in keeping the skin healthy and fighting off germs.

If you have tried any or all of these natural treatment methods for acne with little or no success, you should seek medical advice immediately. What you may be having could be something that is more serious than acne.

Further improve your acne by contacting Naturopath Robert Galarowicz ND … email me at rob@drrobertg.com or call 201.618.3534.