Fatigue – Naturally Overcome It

You can overcome fatigue

Fatigue is exhaustion, mental or physical, that can be caused by overwork, stress, or illness. Though some fatigue is normal, when the feeling of tiredness never goes away, it’s a sign that something’s wrong.

Fatigue consists of lack of energy, a sensation of weakness, and dulled or slowed reactions. An inability to concentrate and a lack of mental clarity can be the result of ongoing fatigue.

Such factors as lack of rest, inadequate diet, or professional or personal stress may produce fatigue, but it may also be caused by physical disease. Among the conditions that might produce fatigue are low blood pressure, iron-deficiency anemia, heart disease, diabetes, end-stage renal disease, narcolepsy, and cancer. Infections, whether viral or bacterial, also bring about the feeling exhaustion. So do some mental disorders. Additionally, it has been suggested that a disorder called hypocalcaemia may be a frequent cause of fatigue. Some medications, like antihistamines, antibiotics, and blood pressure medications, may cause tiredness as a side effect. Anyone who is already experiencing tiredness but who is prescribed one of these medications should investigate alternative treatments.

If extreme fatigue continues for at least six months and is accompanied by flu-like symptoms like swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, and muscle aches or weakness, chronic fatigue syndrome may be present. Chronic fatigue syndrome (or CFS, sometimes called chronic fatigue immune deficiency syndrome), causes exhaustion as well as additional neurological and immunological symptoms. It is estimated that nearly two million Americans have from this disorder. According to most experts, CFS is associated with the immune system, and probably caused by a virus or bacteria, though none has been identified.

When seeking a diagnosis of the cause of fatigue, health care providers can rule out physical conditions and diseases where fatigue is a symptom, and can also establish whether or not prescription drugs, poor diet, work environment, or other factors could be causing the patient’s exhaustion. Diagnostic tests can rule out common physical causes of exhaustion, such as iron-deficiency anemia.

Treatment of fatigue depends on the cause. Changes in diet and lifestyle are frequently recommended for non-specific fatigue, as are herbal therapy, hormones, and supplements.

To avoid debilitating fatigue, an individual should:

  • Drink plenty of water. Dehydration can actually reduce blood volume, which leads to feelings of fatigue.
  • Make sure to get enough iron by eating iron-rich foods (i.e., liver, raisins, spinach, and apricots). Iron is necessary for the blood to transport oxygen throughout the body; reduced oxygenation of the blood can result in fatigue.
  • Get the recommended daily allowance of selenium, riboflavin, and niacin, all essential to metabolize food energy.
  • Eat whole grains and proteins together for sustained energy.
  • Consume enough protein—but not too much. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should eat more protein.
  • Avoid high-fat foods, which take longer to digest, which reduces blood flow to the brain, heart, and rest of the body, causing a sensation of mental dullness.
  • Don’t overeat! An over-full stomach can cause feelings of fatigue, and those who are overweight are much more likely to regularly feel fatigued.

To overcome fatigue speak to me about your options. Call 201.618.3534 or email me at Rob@DrRobertG.com