Trying to Conceive? New Study Shows Seafood Could Help Infertility

Seafood has long been revered for its aphrodisiacal qualities, but a recent study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism sought to determine how it performed as a fertility aid. Seafood has endured a bit of a stigma for women trying to conceive, due to pollution-related toxins like mercury being fairly common in marine life and these same toxins being blamed with everything from birth defects to infertility.

This study established the correlation between fertility in couples trying to conceive and increased seafood intake by monitoring 501 couples’ time to pregnancy, fertility and frequency of sexual intercourse. 

Oysters and other shellfish may help couples conceive.

The results were significant, with couples that consumed more than 8 servings of seafood per study cycle being 61% more fertile and having sexual intercourse 22% more frequently than couples who did not consume as much seafood.

So, if you’re currently trying to conceive, plan to stock up on some oysters next time you go grocery shopping. And for more information about the nutritive properties of different foods and the important role they play in a number of functions, such as reproductive health and fertility, be sure to check out my nutrition page.