More and more research shows the benefits of regular exercise on the human body. In a recent study, regular exercise is shown to drastically reduce the risk of heart disease when compared to those who sit for long periods of time. The decrease is pretty intense too with a change of 10 to 25 percent.

You know who else likes it when you sit still all day, every day? Death.
The study looked at 5,600 women who were between the ages of 63 and 97 and had not suffered a stroke or heart attack in the past. They wore accelerators on their hips to measure their movement and were tracked for four to seven days, 24 hours a day, for five years.
Researchers found that for those not sitting all day, there was a 12 percent decreased risk of cardiovascular disease and a 26 percent lowered risk of heart disease. Scientists also found those who sat for long periods of time had a 52 percent higher risk of heart disease.
Researcher found the risk of heart disease can be reduced by engaging in an kind of physical activity, even for a few minutes. Reduction is long periods of sitting do not need to happen all at once, but small steps can be taken. It is believed more movement increases the amount of venous and arterial blood which flows to the heart. Long term sitting also negatively impacts the endothelium, which is a layer of cells lining the surface of the blood vessels. Endothelial dysfunction is said to be an indicator of an upcoming heart problem.