Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Therapist in New Jersey

The information below is about EFT – Emotional Freedom Tapping or Technique, if you would like to learn about Robert’s EFT therapy services for New Jersey and New York residents click the link: http://www.drrobertg.com/eft-emdr-healing/

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) therapy is a psychotherapy that incorporated the use of acupressure. This therapeutic method is commonly referred to as tapping. The emotional freedom technique therapist uses the points of the body that are used for acupuncture, but the therapist taps the specific points of the body rather than using acupuncture needles.

EFT therapy can be used for a variety of reasons like anxiety, eliminating pessimism, depression, stress management, and pain reduction. An emotional freedom technique therapist may work with an individual, couple, or group. Some EFT therapists offer sessions over the telephone to guide the client to be able to use the tapping method to conquer anxiety and negative emotions.

At the beginning of the session, the EFT therapist may ask the client to identify the areas of the body where the person is feeling most tense or which part of the body seems to be most affected by anxiety. Some people are more likely to feel anxiety in their stomachs or intestines and have gastrointestinal problems associated with anxiety. Others may develop headaches, heaviness or choking sensations in the throat, or chest pains in response to anxiety.

Though the therapist is most likely to perform the tapping on all the points of the body commonly touched during EFT therapy, the emotional freedom technique therapist may focus on the areas of the body where the client habitually reacts to anxiety. Some EFT therapists ask the client to rate the amount of anxiety that the person is feeling at the beginning of the session and again at the end to show the effects of the emotional freedom technique therapy.

The principle behind emotional freedom technique therapy is that the negative feelings and defeating thoughts are trapped nervous energy that can be released by stimulating the energy points used by acupuncture. The EFT therapist may tell the patient to accept that the feeling exists but that the feeling does not need to negatively impact the individual.

An emotional freedom technique therapist often tells the individual to repeat affirmative messages while the energy points are being tapped. A common phrase that is repeating during EFT therapy is: “Even though I have this feeling, I deeply and completely accept myself.” The energy points typically are tapped seven times for each sequence.

Clients who are receiving emotional freedom technique therapy may learn how to do the tapping techniques at home. The clients can practice between sessions with the therapist. The EFT therapy can become a coping skill for the patients to utilize whenever they are feeling anxious, stressed, or depressed. An emotional freedom technique therapist may help the patient to learn how to use tapping to deal with stressful situations or negative feelings.

The information above is about EFT – Emotional Freedom Tapping or Technique, if you would like to learn about Robert’s EFT therapy services for New Jersey and New York residents click the link: http://www.drrobertg.com/eft-emdr-healing/