Social Media Use Could Be Causing Depression In Teenage Girls

Teenage girls are more likely than boys to get depressed due to social media use, usually because of online bullying, low self-esteem and poor body image according to a recent study. The British study examining 11,000 young people, found that girls around 14 years old used social media daily far more than boys.

The study analyzed data from nearly 11,000 young people in Britain, researchers found that 14-year-old girls were heavier users of social media, with two-fifths of them using it for more than three hours a day, compared with a fifth of boys.

This study also revealed that the girls who used social media daily for hours at a time showed signs of having severe depression. The reason is usually online harassment and cyberbullying. Girls also experience a lot more poor sleep and lots of anxiety which are linked to depression.


social media depression

Teenage girls who use social media frequently tend to be more prone to depression.

Girls who use lots of social media are also bound to suffer from poor body image, appearance and self-esteem where boys are not affected as much. It’s important to always be mindful of what your children are doing online but also how much time they’re spending online, and this includes time on their smart phones. If you notice any changes in behavior or mood, it may be connected in part to social media use.

If you’d like more information about helping your child better deal with depression, anxiety, poor self image, insecurity, and more be sure to visit my site