Anxiety Therapist in New Jersey

Visit for help in alleviating anxiety

Anxiety disorders are mental illnesses that cause fear and panic responses to everyday situations or when confronted by nonthreatening objects or circumstances. An anxiety therapist helps the person with an anxiety disorder to learn to cope with the anxiety. Some anxiety therapists specialize in helping clients overcome phobias and hoarding which are two ways that anxiety can affect people.

There are several types of therapy for anxiety.

A hypnotherapist uses hypnosis to help the client have less fear and panic when faced with stressful situations or problems. Faye suffered from social anxiety when she visited a hypnotherapist for help. Faye believes that the hypnotherapist was able to change the way she thought about situations that used to make her feel uncomfortable.

Faye points out that it’s important to be comfortable with the hypnotherapist. The experience impressed Faye so much that she studied to become an anxiety therapist specializing in hypnotherapy.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a common approach for anxiety therapists. The anxiety therapist helps the person to identify problems in the person’s thoughts that are causing the person to feel fearful and anxious. By changing these thoughts, the person can respond to the situations differently instead of being afraid or stressed.

One patient named Kate realized after visiting a cognitive-behavioral therapist that she was constantly being influenced by negative thoughts that she wasn’t even aware she was having. Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps people to take a look at how their thought patterns are effecting how they feel about the world and their problems.

Exposure therapy is used to treat phobias. A phobia is an anxiety disorder that causes an extreme fear of an object or situation that is not threatening. For example, people with a phobia about snakes may react with panic to seeing a snake even if the snake is in a cage and is not possibly a threat. Some people will react with fear to photographs of the object.

With exposure therapy for phobias, the anxiety therapist shows the feared object to the phobic person and helps them to recognize that there is no threat. The intensity of the exposure gradually increases. For example, a person with a fear of dogs may start with pictures of dogs then see dogs in cages and eventually be able to pet dogs. The anxiety therapists help the clients learn to talk themselves through the fearful situations.

Since everyone is different, no type of therapy will be successful for each and every patient. People with anxiety may need to try more than one anxiety therapist before finding the best kind of therapy for them.

Anxiety therapy can be hard work. The anxiety therapist may challenge the person to face uncomfortable situations which can cause tension and fear. However, this may be the best approach to encourage the person to overcome the anxiety.

Anxiety Therapist in New Jersey