If you’re an adult struggling with anxiety and depression, it’s very likely you experienced childhood trauma or other stressful events. So much of our emotional and mental well-being is dependent on our experiences as children, the general state of our household and family life. A new study using rodents has sought as its aim, the discovery of just how closely childhood trauma and adult anxiety/depression are linked. The study reveals how child trauma can affect us as adults. Research shows definite connections between difficult experiences in childhood and depression and anxiety in adults.

What transpired in your childhood has a direct effect on what you experience as an adult.
A comparison was made between stressed rats and unstressed rats as well as what sex they were. They checked on the effects of prenatal stress and stress after birth.
As it turns out stress at different times has different effects. Chronic stress in the animals included being left alone without their mothers for periods of time.
Studies also show that male animals as in male humans are more prone to problems deriving from early childhood trauma.
This research is mostly focused on early life stressors and how they affect adults later in life. Childhood trauma like being neglected or living in an abusive home can cause may problems as adults, including alcohol and drug addiction, anxiety, depression and also cardiovascular disease.
For more information about what you can do to get through obstacles from your childhood and get a firm grasp on your depression and/or anxiety, be sure to check out my page.