This shake is a good way for getting the beta-carotene from carrots which then becomes Vitamin A in the body. The strawberries are a perfect antioxidant also packed with Vitamin C and fiber.

This visually appealing shake is sure to keep your heart healthy while also satisfying that sweet tooth.
1/3 cup water
1/3 cup frozen strawberries (unsweetened)
½ cup steamed raw or frozen carrots
1/3 tsp vanilla extract
1 scoop vanilla whey powder
1/3 cup strawberry sherbet
½ tsp ground cinnamon
Mix all ingredients except the sherbet in blender until smooth and then blend with sherbet.
Nutrient Values:
Calories 200
Fiber 3g
Fat 2 g
Protein 11 g
Calcium 120 mg
Sodium 75 mg
Potassium 300 mg
Phosphorus 75 mg