You’ve heard about them ad nauseam, they’re touted as being the secret to reversing signs of aging and ensuring you stay as youthful and full of vitality as possible. They’re in everything from teas to berries to cold cremes…but do you actually know what an antioxidant is?

Antioxidants are a hot-button term, but what are they really?
The term antioxidant conveys the main properties of these substances, as they are defined as being any substance that prevents oxidation. Oxidation, or oxidative stress, is a process that occurs whenever free radicals win out over antioxidants that naturally occur in the body’s systems.
This happens when the oxygen we consume splits into a single atom leaving an unaccompanied electron to scour the body, searching for another pair to latch onto. The ensuing search can wreak havoc on a person’s skin, hair, nails…not to mention it’s contribution to diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Free radicals are in food, medicine, air, water…they’re literally impossible to escape from.
So, what can you do to keep them from destroying you from the inside out? Bolster your own natural defenses by increasing the amount of antioxidants you’re exposed to. One of the most premium quality antioxidants is called glutathione and it enjoys notoriety as the so-called ‘King’ of antioxidants. This compound is naturally produced by the body, but has a tendency to decrease as we age.
In order to encourage the body to create more glutathione, there are certain foods you should be eating and certain lifestyle changes which can greatly enhance your glutathione supply:
- Fresh organic vegetables rich in sulfur, such as cauliflower, broccoli, bok choy, kale and radishes. Eating them raw is better than cooking
- Spices such as turmeric.
- Avoiding alcohol.
- Getting enough sleep.
- Partaking in regular exercise.
- Fruits like berries, grapefruits, oranges, apples and pears.
- Supplements like Whey protein and Milk Thistle.
Glutathione can also be attributed with boosted immunity and beneficial impacts on chronic illnesses like PCOS. A precursor to glutathione, known as NAC or N-acetyl-cysteine is another powerful supplement that offers sweeping antioxidant benefits to the entirety of the organism. So much so, in fact, that in recent case studies it was observed to have significantly increased immune response and rejuvenated natural cell activity. It also helps with chronic inflammation which could spell good news for people looking to reduce everything from rheumatoid arthritis pain to eye puffiness.
In summary, antioxidants are much more than a fountain of youth for the body, they are your defense against a planet that grows increasingly polluted and pummels us daily with a multitude of elements which, by design, are harmful and even potentially life-threatening so supplementing with or adding foods that are rich in antioxidants like glutathione and NAC are a simple way to step up your overall health and ensure you’re well-protected. Be sure to check out my clinical nutrition page for more tips!