Coronavirus has been sweeping the nation and already panic has gripped the public, who find themselves suddenly struggling to find a way to combat the virus, or better yet, prevent it from afflicting them at all. Vitamin C has long been touted as an inexpensive, super-effective way to boost one’s immunity against ailments like the common cold and flu. As it turns out, however, this widely available vitamin may be just what is needed to stand up to the coronavirus COVID-19, albeit at much higher doses than usual.

Vitamin C, found abundantly in citrus fruits, could be the answer to eradicating the Coronavirus.
Doctors are desperately looking into various ways of controlling this outbreak, and scientists in China’s Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University are currently studying its effectiveness in 120 patients with the virus, administering daily intravenous infusions of 24g for an entire week. This massive dose is approximately 60 times more than the daily recommended values, and 24 times greater than the amounts which have been tested in trials against the common cold. Though the results still remain to be published, doctors optimistically cite vitamin C’s efficacy against other viruses when given in sufficient concentrations. There have been nearly 100,000 confirmed cases of the Coronavirus worldwide with approximately 3,500 confirmed deaths due to the disease. If Vitamin C is the answer, it could potentially save countless lives. Vitamin C’s effect on immune system response works by way of encouraging white blood cell production. These are the blood cells that attach to and kill any microbes invading the organism.
When we refer to “high-dose” vitamin C, we’re talking about amounts ranging from 1,000mg to 8g. These are the amounts that have been backed up by scientific studies and been shown to reduce the duration and severity of colds. According to numerous health organizations, human beings could all use a bit of Vitamin C supplementation, as we don’t inherently produce enough.

One of the strongest, available Vitamin C brands.
Although massive doses may be able to turn the tide against the coronavirus outbreak, generally 40mg a day is adequate for supporting immune function. Vitamin C is available as a chewable tablet, capsule or gummy chew, but if none of these are an appealing option for you, it’s also found in plentiful amounts in oranges and tomatoes. Look for our recommended brand American Health Brand Ester-C or any liposomal Vitamin C (4,000-6,000mg a day, short-term). Using Vitamin C, Zinc Lozenges, and good common sense (avoiding nose/mouth/hand contact, frequent hand washing/sanitizing, limiting exposure to crowds) can go a long way toward keeping you safe and healthy.