Baking soda is a very common substance, crystalline in structure, though commonly found in the supermarkets in powder form. Known formally as sodium bicarbonate, it is an alkaline salt. It already has many uses such as toothpaste or as mouth wash. It can also be used to clean the kitchen, specifically the stove or the oven and even coffee and tea pots.
But baking soda has another use in running and not just for acting as a body or foot deodorant. Experts are now saying a daily dose can reduce the negative effects of autoimmune disease, particularly inflammation found in rheumatoid arthritis. Immune system disorders can cause the body to be active below what is needed or overly active.

According to the latest research, sodium bicarbonate could benefit cases of Rheumatoid Arthritis.
When it is over active, the immune system will attack and damage its own tissues and organs as it begins producing antibodies because of an unknown trigger. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease where too many antibodies are produced. These attach to the linings of joints and begin attacking the joints, causing inflammation, swelling, and pain. Without treatment permanent joint damage will result.
Currently there are various injectable and oral medications which can help reduce the damage and control the illness. But, scientists have found evidence baking soda may be a cheap, over-the-counter antacid which can trigger the spleen, a critical part of the immune system, to go much easier on the body. The studies, performed on lab rats and humans, show the baking soda becomes a trigger for the stomach to make more acid to digest the next meal. Meanwhile, mesothelial cells sitting on the spleen are triggered to prevent the fist-sized organ not to begin an immune defense.
The spleen is a blood filter and is where some white blood cells are stored. Mesothelial cover the exterior of the organs to prevent them from rubbing together and will warn the immune system if there is any kind of biological invader. Drinking baking soda seems to cause the spleen to relax its response as it seems to have an affect on the mesothelial cells.
A chemical messenger, acetylcholine, appears be the trigger of this calmer environment. Studies showed after two weeks of consuming baking soda, the first responders of the immune system, the macrophages, which get rid of much of the garbage in the blood, became less acidic.
Acidic blood tends to do damage to the organs, including the kidneys. The kidneys are filters for the blood, removing waste to be released through urine. If they become damaged, the body will not be able to filter the blood, causing the build up of harmful chemicals and even more damage. Additionally, acidy blood is more likely to cause heart problems and other deterioration.