A recent study out of Taiwan from the Tajen University’s Department of Pharmacy has found a way to reduce eye floaters. Eye floaters are dark spots which float through the eye and can be seen by a person. They are age related and occur when changes occur in the vitreous as it becomes more of a liquid. As the vitreous shrinks, the microscopic fibers which form the inside clump up and cast tiny shadows on the retina.

If you’re seeing these everywhere you look…you may be in desperate need of some pineapple.
Researchers looked at a total of 388 subjects all averaging 42 years in age. The subjects were divided into three groups, each group getting a low, medium or high dosage of pineapple, the doses ranging between 100 to 300 grams over the course of three months. Subjects were instructed to eat their dosage of pineapple after lunch. Results showed between 62%-70% of the subjects reported having no eye floaters in their vision.
Researchers believe the reason for these results are enzymes from the pineapples which cause the floaters to breakdown. They think the enzymes scavenge free radicals which cause the break down.
Researchers also point out that many enzymes or proteins extracted from pineapples in the past have additional pharmaceutical properties. These include countering conditions such as inflammation, edema, thrombosis, and fibrinolysis. They can be used to treat acute inflammation, exercise injuries, cardiovascular abnormalities, menstrual abnormalities and prevent colorectal cancer.