According to research, people who take high blood pressure medicine are more responsive to treatment if they have good oral health.
Based on medical and dental exam records of many patients with high blood pressure, the people with healthier gums had lower blood pressure and responded better to blood pressure-lowering medications compared to patients who have gum disease also known as periodontitis.
Compared to patients with good oral health people with periodontitis are less likely to have good blood pressure.
For people being treated for hypertension, doctors should pay attention to signs of periodontal disease. Good oral health is as important in controlling high blood pressure. Also important is a low-salt diet, regular exercise and weight control.
Hypertension affects many people worldwide and not treating this condition can lead to strokes, heart attacks and heart failure as well as kidney disease.

Bleeding gums not only indicate poor oral health, but also possible hypertension.
Bleeding gums are signs of inflammation and periodontal disease. If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s vital you seek proper medical advice from your dentist and discuss different strategies to maintain good oral health.