New Jersey Doctor Gives Expert Advice on Weight Loss: 10 Tips to Increase Your Metabolism
and Shed Pounds
Metabolism is a word that comes up often when weight loss is the topic but do you know what it is? It's simple. Metabolism is the body's process of turning food into energy into heat and movement.
The process takes place within the muscles and the internal organs. It's what is commonly called burning calories. Think of your metabolic rate as the speed of your body's motor.
If you're lying still or sleeping, the motor is running at your basal metabolism rate: burning calories quickly enough to keep basic functions like breath, heartbeat, muscle tone ticking along.
Approximately 70% of the food calories burned each day goes toward maintaining basal metabolism.
For those who need to lose pounds, many New Jersey weight loss doctors recommend a number of ways to increase your metabolic rate. Below is a helpful list of 10 proven tips to boost your metabolism so you'll be using more of those calories 24/7, not storing them as fat.
10 Tips To Losing Weight
1. Do not skip breakfast! When you do, your body reacts as if entering a period of starvation because you haven't eaten in 18-plus hours, and in self-defense slows your metabolic rate to conserve energy. To keep your metabolism going at a good pace, you must eat, particularly protein.
2. Eat earlier. Doctors researching weight loss have found that one simple way to lose is to have a good, substantial breakfast and lunch, eat lightly at dinner, and have dinner early in the evening. Four hours or more before retiring.
3. Always eat at least 1200 calories daily. Less than that will not keep your basal rate going; the starvation signal mentioned above will kick in, and down goes your metabolism.
4. Take up aerobic exercise, and do it every day. It can be jogging, swimming, walking, aerobic dance, water aerobics, biking, you can use home equipment or join one of New Jersey's many gyms or classes or go to a local park or walking trail. But daily aerobic exercise is the
point, preferably early each day. The human body was designed for physical activity on a daily basis, and that's what will push up your metabolism.
5. Eat snacks often, good ones. Complex carbs (whole grains, fruits, vegetables) keep the rate going, and small snacks stave off excessive hunger. Being very hungry means less control over what and how much you eat when you do have a meal.
6. Besides regular aerobic exercise, weight loss doctors recommend a quick 10-15 minute walk either at lunch or in the evening to increase your metabolic rate.
7. Weight training three days a week will increase your muscle tone,
and increased muscle tone will increase your metabolism. Simple, and worth it!
8. Keep your eye out for ways to be active in the course of your daily life. You may not be a farmer or lumberjack or construction worker, but even in suburban New Jersey, life offers plenty of hidden opportunities to do this. Park further from the store when you shop, use the stairs not the elevator at work, sweep the leaves off your deck instead of blowing them. If there's a physical way to do something and a labor-saving way, choose the former.
9. Don't drink alcohol, or drink very little. Alcohol lowers metabolism, and it makes you want to eat more, a no-win combo for anyone seeking to lose weight.
10. Doctors who are experts in weight loss recommend drinking water frequently to keep your metabolism working at an optimum rate, 60 ounces daily or more. No need to go broke buying bottled water (and
why add to the plastic trash problem). Hang on to one of your sports-cap bottles and refill it whenever needed. New Jersey tap water is of low quality. So you should invest in a filtering water container and
keep it filled in your refrigerator. Either way, it's a big saving, and will encourage you to drink water often.
For weight loss services click on the weight loss link. |