Dr. Robert Galarowicz is a New Jersey based Naturopath. His Naturopath services can be found in Paramus, New Jersey. It is a conveniently located off of Route 17 North right next to the Paramus Park Mall and the New Jersey Garden State Parkway.
Paramus Park Mall is a great shopping center that your transportation companions can have a bite to eat, while you are having your naturopath consultation.
Can A Naturopath Located in the
Heart of New Jersey Help You?
Ask yourself these 3 questions if you are wondering if a naturopath may benefit you…
- Are you interested in learning how your diet can improve your health problems?
- Do you like to know how supplements can help your mind and body?
- Are you interested in natural solutions with no side-effects?
If you answered YES you should speak to a naturopath, such as Dr. Robert Galarowicz. Click on his other links to learn more about his services located in Bergen County New Jersey.
A Funny Natural Health Photo Below Of
Naturopathic –Naturopath – Shirt

A naturopath is a doctor that uses natural treatments to help people with health problems.
How to tell if a Naturopath is right for me?
Dr. Robert is a New Jersey (NJ) Naturopath and has broad skills and is able to work with a wide range of symptoms.
Naturopaths improve health and treat disease by treating the person holistically/naturally, and supporting the body in healing. Naturopathy consists of a blend of different treatments, all supporting the body in the most natural, noninvasive way possible by stimulating the body's own healing powers.
Dr. Robert a Naturopath serves the following counties with in-office visits or phone consultations: Atlantic – Bergen – Burlington – Camden - Cape May – Cumberland – Essex – Gloucester - Hudson - Hunterdon - Mercer - Middlesex - Monmouth - Morris - Ocean - Passaic - Salem - Somerset - Sussex - Union – Warren.
The Healing Power of a Naturopath
Naturopathic (naturopath) medicine realizes the powerful self-healing process in the in the human body. Naturopaths act to identify and remove obstacles to healing and recovery, and to facilitate and augment this inherent self-healing process.
A Naturopath philosophy - Identify and Treat the Causes
The naturopath seeks to find and correct the underlying causes of illness and disease, rather than treat symptoms.
Naturopaths personalize the healing modality to the needs of the person with treatments which are effective for both chronic and acute problems.
A naturopath uses natural medicine which is a distinct system of health care; a science, philosophy and practice of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of illness.
A naturopaths medicine is distinguished by the principles upon which its practice is based. These principles are continually updated in the light of scientific research.
Dr. Robert is a Naturopath in New Jersey where his practice is located in Bergen County. Click on any links to learn about a specific problem or call 201.618.3534 to discuss your situation at no-charge.
A Naturopath Philosophy - Treat the Whole Person
A naturopath treats each person by taking into consideration their individual physical, mental, genetic, emotional, environmental, social and other factors. Since total health is comprised of all these parts a naturopath will take all this into account.
Dr. Robert a serves the following counties with in-office visits or phone consultations in New Jersey (NJ): Atlantic – Bergen – Burlington – Camden - Cape May – Cumberland – Essex – Gloucester - Hudson - Hunterdon - Mercer - Middlesex - Monmouth - Morris - Ocean - Passaic - Salem - Somerset - Sussex - Union – Warren.
The term "naturopathy or naturopath" is derived from Greek and Latin, and means "nature disease". Modern naturopaths grew out of the Natural Cure movement of Europe.
The term was coined in 1895 by John Scheel and popularized by Benedict Lust, the "father of U.S. naturopathy". Beginning in the 1970s, there was a revival of interest in the United States and Canada in conjunction with the holistic natural health movement.
A naturopath is known to be a "drugless" doctor. Many people who seek out the help of a Naturopath are looking for someone to help them heal their minds and bodies. Some are looking for a non-drug approach to wellness.
A Naturopath looks not at 'disease', but at the body systems that are out of balance or harmony.
In New Jersey a Naturopath is not considered a primary care provider. They are trained in different areas to address different needs. If you are interested in working with a Naturopath contact Dr. Robert
at 201.618.3534…
A classical photo that is often used by Naturopaths

New Jersey Naturopath