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What they say
about Dr. Robert
“Dr. Robert, again thank you for everything. Everyone raved about you. You helped many people that no one else could. Looking forward to having you back!”
—Maryann Dobbin
The Valley Hospital Ridgewood,
Bergen County, NJ
"Good things are happening. I am feeling consistently good since I consulted with you. The days of feeling miserable are over. I handle my stress better, and I am still working towards reaching my ultimate weight loss goal, 5 more pounds to go. I appreciate everything you did for me."
—Karen Samzano,
East Chester, NY
"Thank you so much for your wonderful recommendations. Life has been a pleasure! You help me reduce my joint pain and I look forward to exercising again. Before I didn’t think this would have been possible. You were always available, quick to answer questions and always exceeded my expectations. You truly are gifted."
—Michele Griths, Hacketstown, NJ
"Dr. Rob, again thanks for the great assistance. You consistently help my mother during some of her toughest times."
—William McTelley,
Ramsey, NJ
"When my sister spoke so highly of you I knew I had to come and make an appointment on my next visit to New Jersey. You have helped me solve health problems that I had for years."
—Pauline Connors,
Orlando, Fl
"I really can’t believe how powerful hypnosis is. I accomplished more in 6 months then I have in 3 years of therapy. I have better self esteem, motivation, and I am now a more positive person. I used to be a worry wart and negative about everything in life. Dr. Robert your service is fantastic."
—Name withheld for confidentiality
“I am so glad I consulted with you. The chemotherapy I was receiving was causing me to lose weight. Through your diet I was able to put the much needed weight back on and keep my immune system strong. Even when I had trouble getting food down you were able to work out a way for me to get my much needed calories. I still avoid those foods you told me would weaken my immune system and I feel you really helped me during my treatments.
- Mildred Harnack,
Lyndhurst, NJ
“I have nothing but great things to say about The Banish! Program. I am 53 and have smoked since I was a teenager. I have tried to quit countless times. Cold turkey, patches, gum, zyban, you name it I tried it. All except hypnosis. I'm not even sure how I found out about your site, but I decided to sign up. Right after the session I felt different. Very little cravings and no cheating. I have been smoke free now for 5 months. This is a huge accomplishment for me. I have never been able to go more then a week or two without backsliding and returning to smoking. I am so delighted that your program worked. I have told several people about it and will continue to spread the word if anyone is trying to quit.”
–Edward Robinson,
Pequannock, NJ
“You're a hit. We received a lot of positive feedback regarding your programs. Your really provide a great service to the community. Thank you for the all the hard work in making our programs a success. We look forward to working with you again.”
-Michele DiLoreto,
Program Director,
Continuing Education
South Orangetown
Central School District, NY
“Since I started working with Dr. Robert I haven't had a flare up of my ulcerative colitis.”
-Samantha Bakers
“Your were the third nutritionist I saw in 7 years. I never had anyone spend as much time and ask me as many questions as you did. You are very thorough in what you do. My acne cleared up, my energy came back and I feel bad saying this, because everyone wants to lose weight, but I gained the weight I needed.”
-Mary Lou, Maywood, NJ
“The migraines I have had during my PMS week are much improved. Your advice worked.”
-Patricia Glasser,
Blauvelt, NY
“I met Dr. Robert at a health fair a year ago. We spoke for a while and I knew I had to consult with him in regards to my daughters asthma. Since working with him she has needed less of her medication and her asthma is much more manageable.”
-Alexis Varner, NJ
“You really helped me advance my career by helping me overcome my fear of public speaking.”
-Brian B. Lawyer, NJ
“I had out of control blood sugar and couldn't stop my cravings for bad foods. Dr. Robert gave me a realistic diet I could follow along with a few supplements to help my body. Now my blood sugar is perfect and my food cravings are gone. I also lost some weight.”
-Sheila T, Nurse, NJ
“My cholesterol is down below 200. Thanks for your guidance."
-John Mason,
Hackensack, NJ
“My boyfriend went out and signed me up to see Dr. Robert, knowing how debilitating my depression had become. I was skeptical, because anything I’d ever tried in the past that promised relief never worked.
I was really surprised at what Dr. Robert told me. I had no idea the negative effects my habits were having. I couldn’t believe that in just one week I was feeling so much better!"
-Kathy Nates,
CityGardens, Long Island, NY |
Gas and Bloating:
Alternative Treatments and Remedies
for an Uncomfortable Problem
There's nothing unusual about gas in the human digestive system. According to the Mayo Clinic, burping and flatulence are perfectly natural parts of digestion: air gets swallowed as one eats and drinks, and the natural breakdown of food in the gut produces gas. When it builds up, we experience gas pains and bloating, age-old complaints for which there are good common-sense treatments and remedies, without necessarily calling the doctor or running to the drugstore.
Gas -- and how it passes
Gas is passed along, and eventually out of, the digestive tract in three principal ways -- burping, bloating in the abdomen, and flatus or flatulence. Swallowed air usually comes out of the stomach as a burp. Air and gas that gets trapped in the colon or small intestine causes bloating, and passes out as flatulence. A healthy person will expel flatus about 12 to 25 times in a day, more often in the latter part of the day.
The elements that go into intestinal gas are nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and methane. How much of each depends on which digestive function produced the gas mixture. Bacterial fermentation in the gut and the individual's eating habits are the two commonest variables.
Bacterial fermentation leads to gas formation
The interior of the human colon is a busy community of yeasts, bacteria, and tiny fungi that break down food elements that the small intestine has not already digested. These elements are usually various kinds of carbohydrate, which the bacteria and other microorganisms readily break down by fermentation, a process that produces gas just as it does when beer or wine ferments. In the human gut the fermentation gases are hydrogen and methane, and they leave the body as flatus.
The two most common gas-producing carbohydrate sources are dairy products and beans. Milk and other dairy foods contain lactose. The large numbers of people who are lactose-intolerant don't produce a digestive enzyme called lactase, which is needed to break down lactose carbohydrate. The indigestible carbohydrate in beans, the second commonest gas-producing food, is called raffinose.
How you eat can lead cause gas too
Quite a few common choices and habits can lead to gas buildup. If you educate yourself about them, you're on your way to evolving remedies for bloating and excess gas. A few examples: if you chew gum often -- if you tend to gulp your food down -- if you habitually drink while you're eating -- you're swallowing air. Also, foods that have a lot of bulk, like cabbage, lettuce, and heavy-textured breads, can cause extra air to be swallowed if they're not consumed in small enough pieces.
Personal sensitivity to internal gas is a very individual matter. To treat painful gas and bloating, keep a food diary so you can discover whether there are specific foods that cause problems for your particular digestive system, and then simply avoid them. Then check out the list below of common factors that are known to promote gas and bloating, and observe your own patterns to see if any of them apply to you. The remedy for your gas and bloating may well be as simple as changing a few habits.
A summary of behavioral factors that can produce excess gas:
- Eating and talking at the same time
- Eating while emotionally upset
- Drinking with a straw or from a sports bottle
- Smoking or using chewing tobacco
- Overfilling the stomach
- Sighing heavily
- Chewing gum or eating hard candy often
Robert Galarowicz ND
Gas and Bloating Relief Expert
with Alternative Treatments
and Remedies.
New Jersey New York