ATTENTION: New Jersey (NJ) And New York (NY) Residents Looking To Improve Your Mental And Emotional Health With EMDR And EFT Therapy…
Now You Can See A FAST Improvement And Freedom From Your Problems With The Highly Successful Scientifically-Proven EMDR & EFT Therapies
That Will Change Your Life!
...WITHOUT Long |
Term Talk Therapy,
Side Effects Or |
Spending A Small Fortune! |
Contact Me For A FREE 15-Minute Phone Consultation!
Dear Friend,
Are you struggling with getting past emotional and mental issues? Would you like to use cutting edge mind/body therapies to quickly get relief?
Well, It Doesn't Matter If You're Facing...
Anxiety |
Excessive Grief |
Athletic Performance |
Low Self Esteem |
Depression |
Performance Anxiety |
Pain & Physical Symptoms |
Migraines |
Phobias |
Chronic Pain |
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) |
Phantom Limb Pain |
Weight Loss |
Stress Related Eczema |
Food Cravings |
Mood Swings |
Trauma |
Gastrointestinal Problems |
Phobias Like Public Speaking |
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome |
Negative Emotions |
Eating Disorders |
Panic Disorder |
Negative Body Image |
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder |
And So Much More And I can help!
I’m a professional EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques or Tapping) and an EMDR (Eye Movement Desentization Reprocessing) Therapist who specializes in helping people like you who want to overcome emotional or mental imbalance, learn how to move forward and enjoy mental clarity, emotional peace, and the many positive benefits of clearing your issues.
How You Can Benefit From
Working With Me
Now, before I tell you more about me, let me clear something up...
Asking for help to achieve a goal is NOT a sign of weakness! In fact, getting insight, a fresh perspective, and motivation from an impartial observer can be just what you need to find a new way to tackle problems you’ve been having trouble overcoming.
It’s no coincidence that a highest percentage of the world’s most successful people — from elite athletes, spiritual gurus, self-help authors, to innovators of industry — credit their success to help from professionals.
I’ve Been Helping People Overcome Mental & Emotional Blockages With Mind-Body Therapies
Over 10 Years!
I first decided to become a professional mind-body therapist over 10 years ago, after getting help with my own personal issues from a therapist.
Since then, I’ve undergone rigorous training, earning a number of credentials, including EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques or Tapping) and EMDR (Eye Movement Desentization Reprocessing). With these two therapies/techniques I have helped many people in short amounts of time and have been astounded by the success.
As well as using EMDR & EFT techniques I may use other mind-body healing methods to help you including: Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy, Biofeedback, Meditation, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Problem Solving Techniques and many others as they apply to your situation.
Meet Actual Clients Who Have Already Achieved Success With My
EMDR & EFT Techniques
During these past many years, I’ve had the pleasure of working with A LOT clients, and I’ve been able to help them overcome MANY of the hurdles that have been preventing them from achieving true success.
My clients come from varying backgrounds and have a multitude of educational, career and life experiences.
But the one thing they have in common is the desire to overcome their issues that are holding them back, and enjoy greater levels of success, and all the rewards that come with it.
Here are case studies of just a few of the many people I’ve helped get improvement over the years.
“Opening My Heart To
Joy and Love”
It's difficult to express how much Robert has done for me with EFT and EMDR. I want to describe my healing so if anyone who feels like I did, emotionally drained can sense that contacting him might offer them hope.
He was amazingly able to find my issues and we addressed them with positive results. He helped me to soften my painful, negative self judgments and past experiences. I was able to heal the broken places inside with compassion, and allow them to heal. Through his insightful, empathic guidance I am opening my heart to joy and love.
Rebecca Brenner
-Elmwood Park, Bergen County, NJ
New Jersey near New York City
“Trouble Sleeping and
Nightmares Gone”
I had an amazing experience during out first session where we worked on my childhood trauma that has been holding me back for years! For most of my life I have been having nightmares and trouble sleeping. But last night I had the most beautiful sleep and dreams. This has continued now for 5 days and I know it is here to stay. I'm really excited to do more of this Emotional Freedom Tapping work!
Sylvia Marcos
-Englewood Cliffs, Bergen County, NJ
New Jersey near Passaic, Essex County.
“Anxiety Better And
Moving Forward”
I have experienced wonderful benefits from working with EFT and Eye Movement Desentization Reprocessing clearing old memories from the past. My anxiety is 80% much better which I am so happy about and I have overcome some fears. I trust Robert in the process to guide me through and help me to release past hurts and wounds. I have finally come to a place of being able to live with good feelings most of the time. Robert is a gentle and is gifted in helping others to open the door to healing.
Gala Chislan
-Clifton, Passaic County, New Jersey
Near Morris, Rockland County NY
“Relaxed And Comfortable”
I tried EMDR (Eye Movement Desentization Reprocessing), EFT and Hypnosis with Robert for the first time when I needed help preparing for upcoming job interviews. My anxiety level during interviews would be so high that I wasn’t even able to do well during them. I couldn’t think on my feet when asked a question. After just one session with EMDR, EFT(Emotional Freedom Tapping) and Hypnosis therapy, I found that my fear of interviewing had vanished. I interviewed for two positions within a week of my sessions and I felt relaxed and confident. Both companies made me offers and I accepted the one that I really wanted. I’m certainly happy with the results!
Ronald B.
-Rockland County, New York
Near NYC, Manhattan, Bronx
“Happier and Lighter”
“I was a very negative person with low self esteem. I had a lot of negative self beliefs and always blamed everyone else for my problems.
After working with Robert I have come to realize many things about myself and have changed to be a more positive person. My friends and family notice the difference and tell me I seem happier and lighter, even though they know I have gone through so much.”
Pennie Weaver
-Wayne, Passaic County, NJ
Near Essex, Morris, Hudson County
“Personal Growth
And Healing”
“Robert is one of the most talented therapists I’ve ever come across. I tried EFT for the first time several weeks ago, I was somewhat skeptical about it. So I was really surprised when a lot of my PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) came up during the first session and how much better and freer I felt afterwards. I’ve been working with Robert ever since to heal some of the things I’ve been holding on to from the past and to install positive beliefs I want to have. Since starting EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) with Robert, I’ve come a long way in my personal growth and healing. Thank you”
Minda Darsolius
-Oakland, New Jersey
Near Bergen, Essex, Morris County
When You Work With Me, Together We’ll
Overcome ANY Obstacles Standing In Your Way Of Enjoying
Emotional and Physical
Over the years, I’ve learned and implemented many healing methods into a highly effective process for working with my clients that allows you to make the maximum progress in the shortest amount of time possible. And now combined with EMDR & EFT therapies and treatments the results have been amazing.
Here’s exactly what you can expect when we work together ...
An initial consultation that can last up to two hours where we pinpoint your issues and begin solving your problems. You can expect to feel an improvement after your first session.
Usually no more than 4 to 6 sessions. With the fast healing that takes place. I rarely see people past 6 sessions. We accomplish things quickly, so you can move on with your life.
Each time we meet you will be using “Healing Tools” like EFT & EMDR to clear out mental and physical issues based on the understanding that many have emotional origins underlying them.
Now Let’s Take A Look At The
Results You Can Expect To Enjoy...
With me working by your side, helping you move forward using new approaches to your problems and acting as your “spring board” jumping past them … you can’t help but reach your goals.
Here Are Just Some Of The Results You Can Expect To Achieve With My EFT (Emotional Freedom Tapping) or EMDR:
- Ending your anxiety, stress, panic, depression, pain and other emotional issues with the use of life changing “Healing Tools”…
You may be able to let go of fears, anxieties and phobias that stop you from having true happiness and success…
You notice your mental hang-ups improving as you are able to move past mental barriers …
You may find you’re free of personal problems things that up until now seemed outside of your control…
You begin to see yourself in a more positive light with greater confidence …
You notice your emotional hang-ups improving as you move past mental barriers …
Can You Afford NOT To Work With Me?
What’s it costing you ... in terms of stress, frustration, anxiety … to continue struggling and always come up short?
And consider the REAL financial costs of your inability to overcome these problems and the personal benefits you’re missing out on.
I think you’ll agree that NONE of these costs is worth continuing to go it alone, refusing to ask for help...
... When in a short amount of time, you can be on your way to enjoying the benefits of real results that working with a qualified EFT and EMDR (Eye Movement Densentization Reprogramming) Practitioner can bring!
“This Sounds Good Robert But
How Much Does It Cost?”
That’s a good question. But an even better question might be “How much is it worth to you to have a PROVEN method at your disposal to help you Move Forward?
You can end up paying Hundreds to THOUSANDS of dollars per year for blood tests, treatments, drugs and lost wages.
If you tried to get the same level of service that I offer from other EFT & EMDR mind/body practitioners —you’d be paying an easy $175 to $300 for the initial visit and $125 to $175 for follow ups — that adds up quick!
However, if you’re finally ready to make a smart decision …
Than your investment in your health is $167 for the initial session and $87 for follow ups. And most people never need more than four sessions!
“To Get Started With Your EFT(Emotional Freedom Techniques), EMDR (Eye Movement Desentization Reprocessing) And Other Mind-Body Therapies
You Have To Act Now…”
I’m only one mind-body therapist. And with the positive results I’ve been getting I get calls every day from people asking me to help them.
Now, in order to deliver the results I pride myself on I have to limit the number of clients I see in any given day. And with my initial consults being between 90 minutes and 2 hours there is not enough time in the day to help everyone ……
Which means if you want to get started improving your life, you have to contact me today.
Use One Of These
EASY and QUICK Methods
To Get Started Now:
- Just enter your name, phone number and email address in the form box below and hit the submit button.
OR …
- For quicker service you can call me at 201-618-3534. Even if it’s 3:00 AM … you can leave a message and I will call you back usually within 48 hours.
Once you taken one of those steps, you will have made a VERY IMPORTANT life changing step to helping yourself!
I look forward to hearing from you.